Friday, April 11, 2008

We're Bringing Funny Back

Last night Bex, IH and I saw Margaret Cho at the Warner Theater and gurrllll, "betch" still got it. The Notorious C.H.O. brought the funny in a big way, spewing a stream of intellectual consciousness on d*ck, politics, c*ck, her mother, balls, race, and, of course, the big P.

All the straight people in the house say "Hey-ay." Cue cricket sounds.

What I love about a Margaret Cho show is that it's full on gay pride. Though girlfriend waxes poetic on themes universal to all humans, her sweet spot revolves around the gays, simultaneously poking fun at and demanding self-respect from the LGBT community. Note if you're watching from work: the below video includes some salty language.

If Cho has a mantra it is: love yourself. Followed closely by: love your fellow man / woman. Says she: "if you don't support gay marriage, but laugh your ass off at Will & Grace, well F*** you!"

I have friends and family in the gay community, and it's nice to go to a show that specifically and hilariously honors them. Congrats.

Transitioning from funny relating to the disenfranchised...if you haven't yet seen this website (all 5 of you?), check it out now. If you're anglo (and you know it, clap your hands!), and you like the stuff presented here, but thought you were somehow cool in your affinity for it, my apologies. I've winced a few times myself.

Speaking of stuff white people like, The Office returned! And 30 Rock! And Scrubs! I'm going to settle in this weekend, get up close and personal with my DVR and wrap that NBC love around me like a blanket. Don't judge me.


Anonymous said...

Lovely! But you MUST tell me who to congratulate...I can't go on not knowing.

Law-Rah said...

The Office ROCKED! You will love it.