Wednesday, March 26, 2008


You know that saying, "best laid plans..." Actually, IS that the saying? Seems like it's only a half saying at best. But I digress. Well that plan was simple, and, I thought, easily achievable. Start a blog? Check. Update it ONCE PER WEEK? No problem! But then the usual work tsunami hits and I'm back again to writing / speaking these words 20,000 times per day. I'm tired and I'm cranky and am so totally over it, but this "battle of the gmail custom status messages" between me and Bug today sorted me out:

JT: My laptop won't boot up and all my work is on there. GAH!

Bug: Maybe your laptop is mad because you haven't updated your blog

JT: The Genius Bar rocks. Though technically, I came up with the solution. Who's the genius now?

Bug: That's great. Maybe you should congratulate yourself on your blog.

That Bug. She knows how to drive home a point. CB and Bex talked me off the ledge this weekend when I totally lost perspective (and my shit) because a million people were calling me on Sunday about work and apparently it. just. could. not. wait. Seriously...we're not saving the world here, people. It's Easter! Eat your ham, Tina!

Anyhoo...since my brief time away, I ran this with MM as an interim goal in prep for the Nation's Triathalon in September. We're doing the swimming leg in the Potomac and whenever I tell people that I get the same look:

If I come out with a third arm, I'm coming after you, Fenty.

I also spent a night, doing this, and last night playing this at Bex (thank you, IH). Um, I think only the high-pitched yet oddly soothing sounds of Aaron Neville can truly articulate how I feel about this game: I don't know much, but I know I love you. I would not rest until I conquered Talk Dirty to Me. Done and done. How you like me now, Cee Cee Deville? Mii needs a wii, and if I get one, CB will have only 10 minutes to create her avatar. Can I get a get a Kapow! That Bitch is a Slut!, Marci? (for those not in the know, this was a clue I used when trying to get CB to say "High Five" during a drunken game of Taboo.)

At any rate, work should be slowing down to a normal level soon, knock wood, and I can get back to the good stuff. Man, it felt great to write something fun. Congrats, Bug.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How do I love thee, Project Runway? Let me count the ways

The ladies gathered at Cristina's for the Project Runway finale and let me tell you...we looked fabulous. And ate fabulous! Yummy treats and drinks were served and the only thing missing was Baby Banana, who was slaving away at the office, looking fierce I'm sure, but certainly not feeling it.

I'm happy to say we made a convert of Bug who just started tuning in late January and is now hooked. Congratulations to you, you now have about a year to wait until the next one. Or at least it feels that way.

Project Runway is the Gold Standard for reality shows. In fact, I think it should be in its own category, perched high on a pedestal above Top Chef and waaaaay above America's Next Top Model, which I love but not for reasons I'm proud.

Project Runway has real people with real talent who you know want so badly to make it in the design business, and aren't just trying to get on TV (I'm looking at you Rob and Amber). The winner gets instant dream fulfillment to pursue his / her art -- and let's be honest, it is art -- and not a one of us feel slimy after having participated in it or watched it on TV (I'm talking to you girls of Flavor of Love).

And as someone who is not the least bit design inclined, I'm utterly fascinated by what walks down the runway after each challenge. They get what...? 2 days to sketch, go to Mood, create their looks, fit and style their models and show in front of the intimidating Nina Garcia, the bitchy Michael Kors, and the flawless Heidi Klum? If I was thrown into a challenge like this (as in...welcome to the Hell Channel's No Talent Ass Clown Show, where people are forced to do things they have absolutely no ability to do!") I would be a white hot quivering mess in the corner.

Which would be a step away from Jillian, who stressed balls each week, but pulled out amazing pieces almost every time and just got better and better.

Oh please, what would you come up with if the design challenge was to update the Overall look?

I was rooting for her to win, thinking she and the fashion industry had the most to gain. Even though she started her own company, you know she'll worry and second guess and will anyone actually see her complete her work without Tim Gunn telling her to finish? That $100K could have hired her a really good assistant to keep her on task and a sewing machine that doesn't make her bleed on her garments -- never a tenant of haute couture.

Rami is already pretty established so will continue to do great with -- say it with me now -- the draping.

And Christian is so young and talented, I wonder if getting the $100K to start his own line isn't a bit anticlimactic. I almost want him to be snapped up by some major design house, ala John Galliano for Dior. Give him a crapload of resources and a big brand, baby! and let's see what happens.

But you watch the last few minutes of the show and you see the serious chemistry between him and Posh Spice and -- oh no! Lip Quivers! Near Waterworks! -- and you think, darn you, you lopsided-haired, quick-witted, elfin-like charmer who made your collection in a CLOSET -- you won me over! Congratulations, Christian. Now go out there and make it work.

And to the ladies who were my company last night...till next time, where we'll share a snortletoo.