Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Narcissism, Thy Name is…Wait, What was I Talking about? My Reflection Distracted Me.

My friends and I are conceited.  This recently dawned on me when we were playing a game where the objective was to anonymously answer innocuous questions and then guess who said what.  One question: "what would you ask a psychic?" yielded responses ranging from "will I be this pretty forever?" to "will I still be this awesome 10 years from now?"  Not one of us was surprised by the lack of humility; instead we thought: that's a fair question.  And, well, probably.

On another evening, we were exploring the "what if" questions perplexing only the most bored at heart, when someone asked: what's the first thing you'd do if you had the opportunity to be the opposite sex for one day.  Granted, not the most original "what if" question, but the answer my friend B gave was: "I'd have sex with myself," she said.  She explained that not only was it highly important for her to know how she was in the sack, but it was equally important to know that she'd be as good in bed as a man as she simply knew she was as the fairer gender.  We didn't debate the rationale; rather, we pondered whether the genie-like rules would allow one to actually exist as their current sex and still be their same soul as the opposite sex simultaneously.

So congratulations big-headed divas everywhere!  Your unwillingness to see yourself as anything other than fabulous (and exercise your right to throw your cell phones at the help) is an inspiration to us all.  But then again, you knew that, didn't you gorgeous?


Anonymous said...

What a great beginning to your writing! Would be quite interesting to do as an experiment, I must admit!

Keep writing! See you Sat!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo....Happy for you! Can I ride on your coat-tails? B/C I am funny too! By the way, a little upset that you didn't mention our fortune teller experience in D.C. remember I am going to live a long life, am an honest person, will get a new position in 2008 in the service industry, and that prediction only cost me $5 bucks! I hope to live a long life, I have not been the most honest person, and I don't work so how can I get a new position? Whoever else is reading this should know that it is not that I don't have a job, I have one and it is full-time plus overtime with no pay,I am a stay at home Mom, who's 5 your old daughter announced to me today that she is going to kiss a boy at school tomorrow and he promised! God help me! I love you Jen and I know you are going to succeed! But, keeping up with this blog could be your full time job! Jules

JessT said...

JULES -- that has to be the next post -- you're right. Believe me, you and the girls are going to be peppered throughout this thang.

AR fan, see you Sat for sure!

Buggie said...

Your friends sound awesome. Especially the B person. I bet she is a wildcat! Rawrrr!

Anonymous said...

I think conceit (or I prefer vanity) is a good thing for a female. Helps to push you to keep up with the upkeep.

Anonymous said...

Yes, cheers to the unknowing narcissists everywhere. Well said.